Governance at Lift Schools
Lift Schools is a charitable not-for-profit company, limited by guarantee. Our charitable objectives are set out in our Articles of Association.

Overview of governance

Overarching legal responsibility and accountability for the performance of our trust and all of our schools lies with the board of trustees

Our trustees, who bring a wide breadth of experience and expertise, set and monitor progress against the trust’s strategic objectives, as well as monitoring the trust’s compliance with charity and company law and with its funding agreement.

The board is supported by four committees. These committees scrutinise and challenge the trust in the areas of education, wellbeing and safeguarding, finance, and audit and risk.

Governance model

Our trustees have delegated day-to-day responsibilities, through our scheme of delegation, to the leadership team, regional leaders and professional service and assurance functions within the trust.

Academy councils play a critical role as the local advisory body for each school, providing assurance and essential feedback to the trust in its understanding of how parents, staff and community members feel about how well the school is meeting local needs.

Finance Overview