News & Events
KS5 students celebrate another year of excellent results 
September 3, 2024
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Today, KS5 students, families and staff across our network of schools are celebrating their achievements following the release of this year’s results.

Our students have worked so hard this year and we are thrilled that their work has paid off in a brilliant set of results.

This will come as a great relief to many who have been anxiously awaiting their results since taking their final examinations earlier in the summer. Whether they're heading to some of the country's top universities or starting industry-leading apprenticeships, it's wonderful to see the diverse paths they are taking.

We are delighted to share headline statistics and highlights from our schools.

Our headline measures show that, across the trust, students received a 68% A*-C pass rate at A level, showing an increase of 5 percentage points on results from last year.

Our schools also saw a 19% increase in A Level entries overall alongside this increase in outcomes.

For Applied General qualifications across the trust we saw an 83% Dist*-Merit pass rate, demonstrating an increase of 5 percentage points on last year.

Here are just a few highlights from this year’s amazing cohort of KS5 students. We are so proud of all of them for what they have achieved.

Phil Humphreys, director of education at Lift Schools, said:

"I am immensely proud of our students for all of their hard work and excellent results they have achieved. It is great to see many students continue their studies at some of the top universities in the world as well as others continue their learning through prestigious and highly sought after apprenticeships. Huge congratulations also to our staff and our students' families, who have been with them every step of the way. Our teachers care deeply about every single student and have gone above and beyond to support them as they take these important next steps in their lives."

Congratulations to all our sixth form students for all their hard work and determination in achieving these brilliant results! We hope that you are able to use the rest of the summer to take a well deserved break before embarking on your next opportunity, whether it be work, an apprenticeship or university.

A heartfelt thank you to the teachers, support staff, and families who have dedicated the past two years to helping our students reach their goals.

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